ConSite is a consolidated solution service for linking to the customer and construction site.

Hitachi provides the cutting edge technology of ICT to sustain the running of your business through ConSite.

ConSite links the customer and construction site. It closely monitors the entire operation status of your machine to improve its overall performance and increase machine’s availability and efficiency.

Available in more than 30 local languages, ConSite provides automated data report service of a working record every month in-time via e-mail.


Industry: Coal Mining


PT. Primacon

"ConSite Reports are almost complete. The Reports tell us the reasons of the problem in case of accidents."

Industry: Forestry

PT. Kutai Chip Mill

"We were waiting for this kind of activities. The system for the central controlling is very important because our company is expanding year after year."

HCMJ Dealer

"With the ConSite data report, we can use our time more to talk with customers rather than searching the data."

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