External Evaluation
IR activities
“Most Liked!” IR Award at the IR Award 2024
We received the “Most Liked!” IR Award of “the Best IR Award 2024” conducted by Japan Investor Relations Association. The theme was “Initiatives to reduce the distance between management and investors”. (November, 2024)
Best IR Award at 2023 IR Award
We received Best IR Award at 2023 IR Award conducted by Japan Investor Relations Association (JIRA).
In addition, we were selected as"Greatest IR Improvement Premium Companies" of the JIRA 30th Anniversary Commemorative Award. (November, 2023)
“Most Liked!” IR Award at the IR Award 2020
We received the “Most Liked!” IR Award at the IR Award 2020 conducted by Japan Investor Relations Association. This award was newly created on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the IR Special Award. The theme for 2020 was “IR - with and after Covid-19”. (November, 2020)
IR Special Award at 2019 IR Award
We received IR Special Award at 2019 IR Award conducted by Japan Investor Relations Association. (November, 2019)
SRI Index
Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index
We were selected for inclusion in the Asia Pacific Index of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). The DJSI was developed by S&P Global Inc. with the aim of comprehensively analyzing listed companies around the world in terms of economy, environment, and society, and to select companies that excel in sustainability. (as of December 2024)
FTSE4Good Global Index Series
We were selected for inclusion in the “FTSE4Good Global Index Series” Responsible Investment (RI) indices for global companies. (as of June 2024)
FTSE Blossom Japan Index
We are recognized as a Japanese company engaging in excellent practices in ESG. (as of June 2024)
FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index
We are recognized as a Japanese company engaging in excellent practices in ESG within the sector. (as of June 2024)
SOMPO Sustainability Index
We were selected for inclusion in the active index created independently by SOMPO Asset Management that combines ESG evaluation and stock price evaluation (fundamental value). (as of June 2024)
*Former SNAM Sustainability Indexes, launched in 2012
MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes
This is an index by MSCI, a U.S.-based company. We have been selected as a company with a high ESG rating in our sector.(as of June 2024)
MSCI Nihonkabu ESG Select Leaders Index
We have been selected as a component of the MSCI Nihonkabu ESG Select Leaders Index.
This index is constructed by selecting companies that excel in ESG evaluations from among the constituents of the MSCI Nihonkabu Equity IMI Index, with no bias toward any particular industry sector. (as of June 2024)
MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index
We have been selected for inclusion in the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index as a company recognized for its ESG evaluation among companies in the MSCI Japan IMI Top700 Index. (as of June 2024)
Web Site
All Japanese Listed Companies’ Website Ranking
The site was selected as Site of Excellence in the 2024 Overall Awards. This ranking is based on objective evaluation items set by Nikko Investor Relations Co., Ltd. from the three perspectives of ease of understanding, ease of use, and amount of information. This ranking evaluates the websites of all listed companies. (December 2024)
Internet IR Awards
The company received an Award of Excellence in the 2024 awards. Daiwa Investor Relations Co. Ltd. evaluates and scores IR websites of listed companies based on its own criteria, and awards a prize to a company that has built a particularly excellent IR website and effectively utilizes it for information disclosure and communication activities. (December 2024)

Gomez IR Site Ranking
Selected for Gomez IR Site Ranking Bronze Award (2023)
The above ranking survey is conducted by Broadband Security, Inc. for listed companies in Japan to evaluate the usability and information quality of their websites for investor relations activities. (December 2023)

Gomez ESG Web Awards
Selected for Gomez ESG Website Ranking Excellence (2024)
The above ranking survey is conducted by BroadBand Security, Inc. to evaluate the usability and information quality of ESG websites provided by listed companies in Japan. (September 2024)
Sustainability and Corporate Strategy
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
The CDP is a non-profit organization in the UK that globally surveys, discloses, and evaluates corporate initiatives regarding climate change and water. In 2023, we received a climate change score of A- and a water score of B, as we did in 2022.
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
CDP Climate Change |
B | A- | A- | A- | A- | A- |
CDP Water Security |
B- | B | B | B | B | B |
Health and Productivity 2024
In 2024, Hitachi Construction Machinery was certified as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization by Nippon Kenko Kaigi, as we did in 2023. (March 2024) *Health & Productivity Management is a registered trademark of the Nonprofit Organaization Kenkokeiei.
SBT(Science Based Targets)
SBTi certifies companies that have set scientifically based greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets consistent with the 2°C target (1.5°C target) level required by the Paris Agreement. In May 2019, our long-term targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions received certification
ESG Corporate Rating(ISS ESG)
The “ESG Corporate Rating” evaluates the initiatives of over 8,000 companies from the perspectives of environment, social, and governance. Companies that receive high ratings within their respective industries are certified as “Prime” companies
We have been recognized with a “Prime” rating for our ESG initiatives and information disclosure (as of November 2024).
Endorsement of the Initiative
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
TCFD is an initiative established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in June 2017 that requires companies to disclose climate-related information that may impact their finances from the four perspectives of corporate governance, strategy, risk management, and indicators and targets. We announced our endorsement of TCFD in October 2020.
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
In April 2023, We have participated in the United Nations Global Compact, which is The United Nations and the private sector (companies and organizations) joined forces to form the world's largest sustainability initiative to build a healthy global society. And The United Nations Global Compact has 10 principles related to the protection of human rights, the elimination of unfair labor, the response to the environment, and the prevention of corruption.
GX League (Green Transformation)
GX(Green Transformation) League is an initiative established by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. It is a place where companies that are working to realize sustainable growth will work together with similar companies, government agencies, finance,and universities to take on the challenges of GX (Green Transformation) and put them into practice to transform economic and social systems. We participated in the GX League (May 2023).
30 by 30 Alliance for Biodiversity
30by30 (Thirty by Thirty) is an international goal in which each country aims to effectively conserve more than 30% of land and sea as healthy ecosystems, with the goal of halting and restoring biodiversity loss (nature positive) by 2030.
We have been participating in the “30 by 30 Alliance for Biodiversity” promoted by the Ministry of the Environment since October 2024.